Monday, March 14, 2011


I read a blog post by a friend today and by my mom the other day that have caused me to stop and reflect.

It's snowing and cold again today. I could complain about it. But I'm inside. Warm. Dry. The heater is running.
450,000 Japanese people are living in shelters.
Thousands of others are roaming the streets with nowhere to go.

I made a sandwich today for lunch. Accompanied by yogurt and chips.
The Japanese people are rationing dried noodles and rice balls.

I poured a large glass of cold water to drink.
The Japanese people are struggling to search for water.

I've tried to turn lights off to conserve electricity.
Most Japanese people do not have electricity.
Or a home.
I could complain about gas costing $3.50 a gallon.
I don't have to wait in line for 5 hours just to hear the gas is only for emergency vehicles.

My baby is sick with a cold.
Many mothers are wondering where their babies are.
If they're alive.

I cannot comprehend the heartache that is happening as I type. I cannot comprehend what it would be like to lose everything. I cannot comprehend what it would be like to not know where my family was, or if they were alive. It breaks my heart to see a video on CNN titled: "I don't know if it was good that I survived." I cannot comprehend destruction so massive it seems a better option to not have lived.

I read one headline yesterday that made me cry: "All LDS missionaries in Japan safe and accounted for."

As I reflect I feel grateful.

Grateful for every single thing I have. Every moment I have with my husband. Every cuddle I get with my son. I am even grateful for the hardened cheese stuck to the brush in the sink this morning. Because it means that we had a good dinner last night. It means I have a sink and running water to wash our dishes in. It means I woke up this morning to my life as it should be.

I am grateful.
I can only pray I will not ever take for granted the blessings and trials I have been given.
I never know when disaster might happen.

And I can only pray for those who are suffering that they might find comfort and peace to their souls through the love of God.


  1. Karissa, thank you for sharing your sweet thoughts. The trials of others can be so humbling and help us to see how good we truly have it. I love the photo of the children with their prayer candles. It reminds that there is a God over all, with a perfect perspective. I am also sorry your little baby is sick! We'll pray for him.

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  3. Karissa "Thank You" for your post. I too am grateful and very grateful that you shared with us your feelings.
