Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Contract and Quest

Once upon a time Mr. Man and I went to Target and bought a scale. The conversation went something like this:
"We should get a digital one."
"But the analog is so much cheaper, we need to save some money."
"Well okay then."

A couple years later, Mr. Man reminded me that he has been telling me for years that we need a new scale. The conversation went something like this:
"We really need a new scale. That analog one sucks."
"Okay, I agree, but I thought you didn't want to spend money on that."
"What? I've been saying forever that we need a new scale!"
Apparently I had forgotten.

We're a funny couple.

So, last week, I bought a new scale. Digital. With body fat percentage and body water percentage approximations. Pretty schnazzy. But there's only one big problem. Now that it's so easy to weigh myself, and see it, and see my body fat percentage, and see how my weight fluctuates every hour of the day, I can't help weighing myself. Like three times a day. Mostly because I'm curious (and because it's new).

One night as I was contemplating the fluctuation of my weight and the murmuring of my tummy from sugar overdose, I realized something tragic. I have been running consistently for 3 months and I have not lost a pound.

Some may say that is wonderful. I eat like crazy. I eat whatever the heck I want, whenever I want, however much I want. Then I run like crazy and stay the same weight.
Some may say that's terrible. Running like crazy for 3 months and haven't lost a pound? Wow. What's wrong with you.

Honestly, I don't really care too much that I haven't really lost weight. I feel amazing. I feel beautiful. I feel strong. I feel very fit and in shape. I am very pleased with my body right now. However, I have a terrible sweet tooth, and I really hate how I feel after I eat too much sugar: sluggish, bloated, icky, gross, tired, etc. So I wrote myself a contract.

I'm a sucker for new clothes. I love getting new outfits and I have been feeling very untrendy and unfashionable lately, so a new outfit is the perfect reward for me. I also know that it is nearly impossible for me to enjoy celebrating two birthdays with no cake, so I thought two exceptions would be alright.

Anybody want to join me in this quest? It is so much easier to accomplish a hard goal when you have friends right there beside you working toward the same thing. Let me know if you want to join and we can keep each other motivated!

Here's to 32 days without treats!


  1. Good job writing it down. Makes it more likely to happen! Unfortunately, I cannot join you because I have nooo self-control in this category!

  2. When I'm dieting I have to have something to motivate me. What I have found is getting $10 per pound to spend on clothes later when I've met my goal by a certain deadline. I love new clothes! Love, love, love them. I also have a major sweet tooth. I think you are one strong woman for doing this. I might have to try it...maybe.

  3. so i really don't want to get rant-ish... but just hear me out :) DON'T get obsessed with the numbers!! they mean nothing!! especially when you feel as good as you do. the fact that you haven't lost any weight doesn't mean a thing. think about it... you've been running your little heart out, most likely you're toning up... muscle weighs more than fat. you've probably been replacing fat with muscle, which means you're still losing the bad weight. take that darn scale back. seriously. those things are bad if you become obsessed with them. some of the most toned and fit people i know have a higher weight than i would guess. don't try to lose too much. you won't feel as good, you won't be as healthy, and you probably won't be able to run as fast and far either. like you said - YOU FEEL GOOD! so go with that. listen to your body. not the stupid scale.

    but good job on wanting to cut back the sweets. just don't try to cut too many calories. that will affect your running. just replace the bad stuff with lots of good stuff. go get tons of fruit. i've noticed that sugar cravings practically disappear when i'm snacking on fruit on all day. and up your veggie intake. you'll seriously feel like you're eating all day, but it will be good stuff. good luck :) i would say i'd do it with you, but we're going to vegas in 2 weeks and there's no way i'm eating good on vacation. until then, though, i am going to cut back on the sugar.

    1. Actually, Karissa doesn't really care about losing any weight she just doesn't feel good after she eats these sugary treats. So that is why she is wanting to get away from them. Overall though I do agree with what you are saying.

    2. I definitely agree with what you're saying, Emily! I've had my share of being obsessive with the scale, but I'm not nowadays. I seriously am very happy with my overall body composition right now and I feel amazing! I just want to cut the treats because I hate the way I feel after eating too many: icky, bloated, tired, cranky, and sick to my stomach. So mostly I'm just trying to clear my system before my race. :-)

  4. We are doing this! My mother-in-law is paying each of her kids (and kid-in-law) $100 if they make it from now until Christmas without sugary treats! I am not much of a sugar person to begin with but I feel like taking it all away has made me crave it! I had a dream last night about Oreos. Who even dreams about that? So strange! Good luck on your no sugar quest! I can't wait to see your new outfit!

    1. Ooh, a hundred bucks! That sounds great! Good luck girl. And dreams about Oreos...hahaha! :-)

  5. I guess I must have an addictive personality or something. Becaues if I completely deny myself something (like treats), I obsess about it all day long and usually end up binging on it and making things even worse. Eating disorders run in my family so I am very prone to them and have spent most of my life trying to counteract them. Yes, I had one in college. That is one reason why I ended up majoring in Fitness & Wellness Management, to learn how to be healthy physically as well as mentally. Yep, still working on both of those aspects :)

    Anyways, sorry to go off on that tangent... Really, I think a one-month goal is a great idea, especially since it is right before your half marathon. Find some good, healthy replacement snacks (not just the no-sugar cookies, etc- those can sometimes be worse than just eating a regular cookie) like fruit & berries, greek yogurt, smoothies, etc. and that will totally help you. I know exactly what you mean about how you feel after eating sugar- too much is so bad for our bodies! Keep me posted on your progress & good luck!

    1. I feel like life is a constant struggle of working on being healthy physically and mentally. It's definitely not easy. I'm not good at more than one month off treats. I like my chocolate too much. Hehe. But I thought the month before my race would be a good time to "cleanse" and get it out of my system. I have found that grapes and bananas are very satisfying this week! When I've eaten lots of those, and some veggies too, I don't feel the sugar cravings nearly as bad! So that's awesome! Smoothies are also great at satisfying my need for sweet. :-)

    2. That's great! I'm totally with you, I can't give up chocolate for too long- mainly around "that time of the month" for some reason. I think i have figured out how to control my sugar cravings a little bit. If I let myself get too hungry between meals, I totally go into carb/sugar craving mode and want to eat all the cookies & chips I can find in the house...

      I do think that a cleanse before your race is such a good idea & you will totally feel better. One hint- Goo makes me sick when I run a race. Even powerade... I do best when I just dring water while running. Powerade Zero afer a race totally helps me, though! And lots of bananas :) Do you like peanut butter on bananas? I like that for a snack sometimes in the afternoon.

  6. I was totally thinking of starting something like this the other day! But I am not ready to start till next week, so if you can put it off till then I'll join you. ;) And you should know that pounds lost or not, I am 100% certain you have lost inches...meaning fat loss, muscle gain. And you look fantastic!! Love you! PS. By the size of a piece of cake on your 2 cheat days, you really mean cheesecake, right? Lol.

  7. I LOVE Craisins! I don't think they're too sugary... Maybe I should check the bag... Good luck!

    P.S. I'm sure that if you could see into the future you would definitely have also mentioned that treats were allowed on your terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day!
