Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Controversial Wednesday

We had a conversation last night at the dinner table with our 19 month old Bubs. It went something like this:

Us: Do you want to eat some grilled cheese?
Bubs: Nooo. *head shake*
Us: Do you want to eat some Salmon?
Bubs: Nooo.
Us: Do you want to eat Kaiya (the dog)?
Bubs: Kaiya! Kaiya!
Us: Do you want to eat the Cars?
Bubs: Cars! Cars! *smile*
Us: Do you want to eat some cookies?
Bubs: Coo-keeah. *grin*
Us: Do you want to eat some pizza?
Bubs: Nooo.
Us: Do you want to eat some strawberries?
Bubs: Nooo.
Us: Do you want to eat ice cream?
Bubs: Eye cshrm. *grin*
Do you want to eat some fries?
Are you done?
Ah duhhn.

Since when did our child become so ridiculously smart?

Now, how 'bout some controversy for your Wednesday?

A friend of mine suggested I download the Instagram app on my phone so I could join and share pictures with our friends. I thought that sounded fun, so I did. Then when I tried to sign up and register, it kept saying: "error. Too many users already registered on this device." So I googled the problem.

I was disgusted at what I found.

No, it wasn't something gross or inappropriate. It was how rude and inconsiderate people in this world have become.

You see, I did not realize this, but Instagram started as an iPhone specific app. Something special that only iPhone users could have and be a part of. Earlier this year, in April I think, the developers of the app decided to expand their consumers to include Android users. They launched Instagram for Andriod phones and some of the responses from iPhone users was shocking.

Comments and tweets like: "Ewwww. Android users are getting Instagram now too. Gross" source, "Blame Android users for Instagram messin' up!", "Man, Android users getting instagram is like the losers in high school taking over the cool table in the cafeteria!" source


There was even the senior VP of Apple that publicly left Instagram because Android had it now. source

It made me so mad! Yes, I do have an Android smart phone. And guess what? It's great. iPhone's are great, too. I was just amazed at how elite some iPhone users think they are. What makes you having an iPhone better than everyone else in this world? And why do you have to be rude about other people not having what you have?

I'm not bashing on the iPhone here. 
I'm also not bashing on someone because they have an iPhone and use Instagram.

I am expressing my complete astonishment at how vile it is when people truly believe they are better or have something better than someone else. 

(did their mom's forget to teach them that there is always someone better with something better and someone worse with something worse than you?)

I feel sorry for the people who have made these harsh and catty comments. I wonder what could possibly be so askew in their life that they have to rudely degrade others in an attempt to make themselves feel better and look cooler. Clearly something is amiss.

I feel sorry for the people who live lives defined by the technological gadgets they own and who are insecure enough that they have to argue and whine about a stupid picture taking app so they can feel like they look cool.

It is just so unbelievably sad.

Tangent over.
No, I did not figure out what the problem was with my phone.
Not sure if I will, either. I don't really need another social media addiction in my life, anyway. :-)

And for the record? I am in no way, shape, or form, against iPhones or anyone that has an iPhone. I think iPhones are really snazzy. They have some sweet features and they are definitely cool. I don't care if someone has an iPhone or not. But, if someone does, I sure hope that it hasn't defined their life and prevents them from seeing the value in others, regardless of what kind of technology they use.

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