Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Give yourself a hug!

My body finally decided to rebel against my habits of the past two weeks.
I guess that watching the Olympics every night and going to bed at 11:30 pm, then waking up at 5:00 am to run is not really the best idea.
Especially combined with ice cream or cookie dough nearly every day.
I've been punished with a sore throat, sneezes, congestion, coughing, and exhaustion.
Serves me right, eh?

Today my dear sweet toddler decided it would be wise to throw my almost brand new smartphone off our balcony.
We live on the third floor.
It landed on concrete.
Screen down.
I almost had a heart attack.
Thankfully, I was smart and had bought a good quality case to protect it.
And protect it it did. Not a scratch or bump.

About ten years ago, when I was training at DanceWorks Conservatory, I helped assist some 3-4 year old kids combination classes. After we did a routine, learned a new step, or performed a combination of steps, we would always say "give yourself a hug!" 

Ten years later, I'm reflecting on that seemingly trivial concept of giving yourself a hug

Oftentimes I get stuck in a rut of feeling like I'm not quite good enough, especially when it comes to being a wife, mother, and homemaker.

I start to think my family is eating unhealthy because we're not eating 100% organic, because I've made cookies, because we had pizza one night, because sometimes Bubs won't eat anything but chicken nuggets and applesauce, and because we don't always have oodles of veggies with every meal.

I sometimes start to feel inadequate as a mother because I'm not sure how to play with my toddler, because I don't do pinterest worthy activities all day long (or ever), because I'm not always reading to him, because I'm not teaching him the ABC's, because I let him watch Cars while I cook dinner.

I sometimes begin to feel uncreative because my apartment is lacking cutesy decor, because my bedroom has no color scheme or really no decor at all, because Bub's room doesn't have a thing on the walls,  and because sometimes the floor is consumed by cars, toys, and all things toddler.

Do you ever feel like this???
I'm gonna guess you do.
And it sucks.

So for right now, I want you to stop and think about what is really most important:

Happiness. Joy. Family. God.

not the perfectionism of all things Pinterest.

I want to encourage you, and myself, to stop those feelings of negativity, and just 
give yourself a hug. 
Pat yourself on the back.
Strut your stuff.
Proclaim your magnificence.

Chances are, you're not giving yourself enough credit for the things you're doing.

To the wife who feels like a crummy cook: at least you're cooking! Even one home cooked meal a week is better than nothing, and it really is okay if it's not organic.
To the couple who loves to bake cookies: what a great time to bond and enjoy a yummy treat!
To the mother of the screaming children at the grocery store: don't be embarrassed, many of us have been in your shoes and understand how you feel.
To the woman who gets tired of cooking and is stressed out: pizza for dinner has magical healing powers!
To the mother of a picky eater: if at first you don't succeed, try try again. Someday he'll realize the value of good food.
To the wife who feels like she can't keep up with life: it's okay to take a break and do something for you.
To the mother who feels like a mean mom for disciplining her kids: thank you for teaching them boundaries and limits.
To the woman who feels inadequate, unconfident, and unloved: guess again, you always have the love of God, and chances are, your family loves you too.

It's okay if your house isn't always spotless.
It's okay if you don't shop organic.
It's okay if you don't wear the latest trends.
It's okay if your child isn't perfect.
It's okay if you eat out for a meal.
It's okay if you don't have the cutest home.
It's okay if your kids are a little crazy.
It's okay if you're not the fastest, strongest, best, compared to everyone else.
It's okay if your life is not a Pinterest perfect story.

Please, for one moment, think about all the good you are doing, all the happiness you are bringing, and all the love you are feeling around you. 
Consider your accomplishments. 
Focus on your successes. 
Revel in the joy that is living, breathing, loving, and belonging to a family. 

And by all means, GIVE YOURSELF A HUG!!!


  1. Thanks Karissa! This really helped me today!

  2. Thanks Karissa! I really needed this today! Tyson home sick and John didn't take a nap=not getting done what I had wanted to and house is a mess! Hug time! LOL! We do the best we can and that is all Heavenly Father asks of us, which means it's all we can expect from ourselves! Great Great Reminder!! Thank you!
