Friday, October 8, 2010


Sometimes I forget that I'm pregnant and can't move like I used to, and I do silly things.

Like this morning. Scott was on one side of the bed and I was on the other. I wanted to run and kiss him, but the bed was in the way. For a split second I contemplated just running and crawling over it. Then I decided I could take a flying leap and run across. I could do that without a big belly.

Did it work?

Not so much.

I managed to jump up on to the bed but then crashed down in about 0.2 seconds. We both busted up laughing.

"Did you forget you're pregnant?"


1 comment:

  1. Awww! I forgot I was pregnant just last night!! I rolled over onto my stomach, then got really confused, then opened my eyes, wondering why I hadn't finished rolling over onto my stomach! It was so weird! In my head, I was right there, but I just kept thinking, "how come both my shoulders aren't against this mattress!?"
