Wednesday, January 16, 2013

It's all just Stuff, right?

Sometimes things go wrong. Like...

...Bubs forgot how to sleep through the night.
...he also learned how to remove the child lock on his door in about 2 seconds.
...he also thinks it's hilarious to do exactly what I've just told him not to do.
...he also thinks it's fun to throw his food off the table, along with his cup, plate, bowl, and anything else in sight.
...he also thinks it's fun to spoon feed the dog.
...he also thinks it's fun to throw tantrums and make everything dramatic.
...he also thinks it's fun to only nap for an hour.
...he also thinks it's fun to wake up at 5:15 am and wander into mom and dad's room.

and biggest of all...
...he thinks it's fun to dump his sippy cup full of water all over our couch and laptop while he was watching Cars, on the laptop.

It was a really fun morning.
I'm not really sure if our laptop will survive.

*we do have a desktop computer, but every  picture and file we've ever written is on the laptop.
Maybe we can salvage the hard drive?

Sometimes things get better. Like...

...eating oreos and peanut butter.
...being surprised by your husband leaving class early to help solve the laptop crisis.
...reading a book while ignoring the crying it out because you know he can't escape since the door now locks from the outside.
...putting on sweatpants after deciding they sound far more comfortable than trying to stay squeezed into normal sized "cute" jeans.

Today is one of those days that I'm glad a day is only a day and lasts for 24 hours.

...I promise my life is not tragic and dramatic every day. We seem to be experiencing a particularly difficult week from our dear sweet toddler.


  1. My mom just poured water all over hers and instead of just putting the rice on it she put it in a big bag of rice for a COUPLE days and then it worked again. Wait a couple days though b/c you can fry it turning it back on.

    This stinks, I hope your week gets better!

  2. Wow, he is really giving a new meaning to the phrase "Terrible Two's!" I hope your laptop survives, that really stinks. And I am a huge advocate of locking the door from the outside if it means you get a few extra needed moments of sleep!!

    We recently had to move Madi's crib into our TV room upstairs. She was just being too noisy in the kids' room. She has been sleeping much better, or atleast I haven't been hearing her as much so I have been sleeping better. Unfortunately, it takes up all the room I used to have for my sewing area, and it is on top of the treadmill, rendering it completely un-usable right now. It also makes it hard for Jim and I to watch a movie or any TV before bed. It's all about give and take, right?

  3. Brody is giving me a run for my money these days as well! I was going to text you and tell you to come over for hot chocolate or dark chocolate but then I realized I haven't showered in 2 days and my house is a time! Hope your computer works again!

  4. I am not looking forward to Kellen getting older : (
