Friday, September 23, 2011

Anyone wanna help me out?

This is not exaggerated at all. This is really what's happened in the past 24 hours.

Wednesday night: about 5 hours of sleep.

7:00 pm-put baby to sleep
8:30 pm- take 750 mg of Gaba
10:15 pm- get in bed
10:40 pm- mister man joins me in bed, baby whines a little
me: toss, turn, toss turn
11:43 pm- "why am I still awake? if bubs cries, will you get him?"
me: toss, turn, toss, turn
12:30 am- still awake
toss, turn, toss, turn
sometime around 1 or 1:30 am, I finally fell asleep.
4:30 am- baby starts whining, then crying, I wake up but stay in bed
5:10 am- get out of bed to calm baby, he screams harder (hungry), I don't feed him because I don't want him to get used to waking up at 5:00 am or earlier to eat.
5:11 am- re-enter my room and stub my toe on a book, keel over in pain, cry, get back in bed
toss, turn, toss, turn
finally doze off for about 20 minutes
6:00 am- mister man's alarm clock starts ringing
6:15 am - baby still crying, get up out of bed to fix a bottle
6:30 am- notice that my toe I stubbed was actually cut open and covered in dry blood.
feed the baby, send hubby off to school, put baby down for a morning nap
7:30-930 am - I nap.

I have serious sleep issues. I don't know how to solve it. A friend recommended taking Gaba, so I've taken it twice, but I almost feel like it makes it worse. But maybe I'm just getting anxious about something new in my body. I haven't slept longer than 6 hours straight in weeks. And that's not because my baby wakes up, it's because I lay in bed for 4 hours before I finally fall asleep.

Instead of being excited about getting into bed to sleep, I get really anxious, my heart rate goes up and I get nervous about how long it'll take me that night to fall asleep. And then I can't turn my mind off and fall asleep. It's awful. Especially now that Bubs has decided he has to wake up at 6:00 am as soon as dad gets up for school. And of course I wake up too, and want to be productive so I don't go back to bed.

Anyone have any tips, suggestions, good doctors I could talk to? I really don't want to take an anti-depressant for anxiety, I really don't want to take any heavy duty drug. I'm okay taking supplements and herbs, but I'm not very knowledgeable about what's out there. Also, I don't really have insurance so I don't know if I'd be able to pay for a sleep psychologist or naturopath doctor.

So, let me know if someone has any good ideas that'd help! thanks


  1. Hey Karissa,

    Me (Megan Shipley) and B will stop by Dr. Olson's office and get you some stuff (herby stuff) WE'll drop it off tonight for you! I'll call you and let you know when, if your not there I'll just leave it at your door!

    It'll be OK!! I promise!


  2. So I know a few people who take a supplement call serotonin. It sounds familiar or you already know what it is but it if you don't it is a sleep hormone. Also I have found that deep belly breathing techniques help relax the body and help you just doze off. Also if I am having a really hard time falling asleep Perry will massage my feet, tickle my back, or caress my hair. Its worth a shot.
    Good luck! :)

  3. I once did yoga and found that relaxing and helped me to shut my mind off. I've been having a harder time sleeping lately too, but nothing like what you are experiencing.

  4. I had horrible insomnia in middle school... If you can find a licensed acupuncturist, that really helped me a lot! And writing before I went to bed. That way I could get my thoughts and worries down on paper and out of my head. I hope you are able to get better sleep soon! :)

  5. I LOVE liquid MELATONIN!!! You can get it from Whole Foods. Sweet dreams! :)

  6. sleepytime tea....
    sorry, not sleeping is the worst...
