Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Vision, Plan, Results

Last night I was contemplating my life and my goals. I came up with this (the VPR is from a trainer I met with once at the gym):

-125 pounds
-18% body fat
-toned, endurance
-by June 5, 2010 (12 weeks/84 days)

-M, W, F: 65 minutes of cardio, abs
-T, TH, S: 60 minutes weights class, 30 minutes cardio
-1200-1400 calories per day (record EVERYTHING)
-10000 steps (yes, I have a pedometer)
-daily vitamin
-64 oz. of water
-7 1/2 hours of sleep
-Limit fat, sugar, carbs (white flour stuff)
-5 veggies/fruits a day

Today was day one....

Starting weight: 142
Starting BF %: 26
I took 12,242 steps today (running 5 1/2 miles helps...)

Chinese and diet do NOT belong in the same sentence.

That won't be happening again. I had a few too many calories today, but other than that I did pretty good. I will probably be posting my progress here as much as possible.

On a side note, I've now had 2 people talk to me about cooking. My friend Gina actually inspired this next thought....

anyone want to come over and have cooking class with me?

I would LOVE to teach people how to cook. I like to keep things easy (don't got much time) but yummy. And I'm working on more healthy. If a couple people want to get together with me on a certain night of the week, we can have a little cooking class. Bring ingredients and we'll play in the kitchen. Maybe even Saturday afternoon? Anyway, I think it would be fun and I would love it. Let me know!

Tonight I made ammmmazing teriayki chicken with sugar snap peas. Delish. I can teach you how :-)

Last thought: you know how there are always "DIET SECRETS! How _____ lost 20 pounds! Secret to being thin!!!" in all those tabloids and mags? I figured out the actually have to work!! Work out and work hard to eat right. That's the secret. Now you know. Tell everyone please. The end.


  1. I'm in...obviously. :) haha

  2. I need to lose some pounds myself. Oh how I love hypothyroidism, where I gain weight just by looking at food. Not!

    Do you remember the Waltons from Kansas/Utah? Morgan has a healthy cooking blog with good recipes.

  3. I might want to do a cooking class...
