Thursday, July 1, 2010

just life

Today's the last day of summer school. Holy cow that went fast. I had fun with the kids. Easiest summer job I've ever had. :-) Today we're going to the bookstore to let them pick out books. Yay!

Baby is doing fantastic I think. We heard the heartbeat on Monday. 160 beats per minute. Doctor said everything sounded great. If we're lucky we may get to do an ultrasound at 16 weeks right before we leave, and if we're really lucky we might be able to tell what it is. We'll see.

I think I'm getting less sick. Not that I was terribly sick before, just super nauseas all the time. I still have to eat frequently, but it doesn't seem as bad. Scott is so excited to have a baby. He's so dang cute every day. I think he rubs my tummy and kisses it and talks to the baby everyday.

I think I'm starting to look more pregnant. Someone asked me yesterday if I was expecting. My tummy is pooching a little at the bottom. Maybe I'll start taking some pictures some day.

I'm so excited for this weekend! All of Scott's family is coming in town for Carrie's baby's blessing, and I planned a big 4th of July BBQ party for Saturday. I'm pretty excited about it. I love people and parties.

Every morning when I wake up I find little creatures in my shower. Today was a huge spider. They need to learn it's safer to stay outside. Ugh. Kinda annoying to have to wash the bugs down the drain before I get in. At least it's only like 1-4 everyday. Maybe Scott needs to spray again.

I think we might go to the lake tonight. I'm a little bummed that I can't wakeboard, but it's the best thing. I'll enjoy chilling on the boat and maybe take an easy tube ride, though that still kinda worries me.

We move in 5 weeks. But we'll be out of town for a week of that. What the crud. It's so weird. Scott's almost officially accepted though. He just needs to send them an official transcript, that's it. WAHOOO!!!! I better go, I gotta do some stuff before class starts. adios.

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