Friday, July 23, 2010

informed decisions

So last night we went to a BBQ with some friends in the ward. It was so interesting to me because I talked to a gal who I've never talked to before but always thought she seemed really cool. It was really neat because I've had so many questions about things pertaining to pregnancy, childbirth and infant vaccines. I felt like she was there to talk to me and help me with the questions I've had.

She gave me a book on child vaccines and another book on childbirth. I started reading the vaccines book this morning. It's SO interesting!! I really think I need to get all the information I can, talk to as many people I can, do as much research as I can, then pray about it before making a decision.

Scott told me the other night that I have to know everything and sometimes it's a little annoying because I ask so many questions and need to know. It's really true. Especially if it's something that really affects me, I have to know! I have to research. I have to study. I've always been that curious and always asking "why?" and wondering about the world.

So, I think it's appropriate that with things like pregnancy, childbirth and child vaccines that I have to know. I have to get as much information as possible.

So, in a whole, it was so nice to talk to someone last night who has similar opinions and viewpoints as I do. I've found lots of people who are very much advocates of whatever Doctor says. I think as citizens of the USA we have a right to know everything we can possibly know, and then make our own decisions and refuse anything we don't want. All in all, it was a great conversation and I'm glad we were able to talk! I can't wait to find out more information about everything and make informed decisions :-)

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! How awesome!

    Being a child development major has really helped me so far, I think. I fell in love with my basic Child Development class while I was an El Ed major and it was a huge deal for me to make the switch. I think the biggest, most relieving fact i've learned is that the study that linked vaccines to autism has been completely thrown out...the doctor paid the test subjects to sway the results, and has even had his license revoked! I love learning things and researching about little ones...i'm right there with ya about having to know everything! And I think it's a good thing. Even if it is a little annoying--Mitch says the same thing. :o) Because this is the most important job we will ever do in our lives! So why not research, form our own opinions, and make informed decisions? :o)
