Thursday, December 16, 2010

New baby pictures! 37 weeks

I know you're all dying to see more pictures of our sweet little babe. We were too. We had a fun ultrasound today, probably the last they will do, and got another look at this cute chubby face.

He made a grumpy face from being poked by the tech. He was sleeping and didn't want to open his eyes for us. Hehe I think it's adorable. :-)

He also kept putting his hand over his face so we couldn't get a great picture. Luckily, he decided to move it part way through for us. :-)

And here's the main one they printed all nice "in color" for us. We decided he has my nose and lips, but probably Scott's mouth shape. Though it's hard to tell. Cute isn't he?

Only 3 weeks left until the due date! We're working on reigning in the power of The Secret to get him here earlier. Think positive thoughts for, how much he wants to come because we can't wait to hold him, and how he's getting to squished and there's plenty of room outside the belly, and how everyone wants to see his cute face, and how he wants to hang with dad before he has to go back to school. :-)

Oh, and as we all know, ultrasounds aren't too accurate, but they can vary by about a pound or so either way. Apparently now he's weighing around 7 lbs 9 oz. So we may or may not get a huge baby. (thanks alot Scott... ;-))


  1. Yes, with Zachary the tech told us he was about 9 1/2 pounds and he came out weighing 6lbs even. Not too close. Good luck, I miss you take care and Merry Christmas.

  2. Very cute! He does look like you! I haven't been around scott enough to be able say anything about his looks and the baby but anyway! You are lucky you have the ultra detailed ultrasound! I'm excited for you and thinking positive thoughts!

  3. AMAZING pictures! What incredible technology
