Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How to Induce Labor

So I have been quite amused (and sometimes annoyed) at everything I hear and read that people swear by works to induce labor. I thought I would make a list and share those things I've heard up to this point. Some of them are just wacky. Enjoy. :-) And, if you have any to add, feel free!

1. Walking
2. Sex
3. Exercise
4. Nipple Stimulation
5. Acupressure
6. Acupuncture
7. Reflexology
8. Castor oil
9. Blue Cohosh
10. Black and Blue Cohosh
11. Primrose oil
12. Raspberry leaf tea
13. Spicy food
14. Pineapple
15. Oregano
16. Walking up and down flights of stairs
17. Walking one foot on and one foot off a curb
18. Squats
19. Jumping jacks
20. Cleaning your house
21. Praying
22. Pep talks to the baby
23. Don't think about it
24. Get in a fender bender
25. Swimming
26. Bouncing on a pilates ball
27. Strip membranes
28. Relax and be patient
29. Bumpy car rides

Other things I've seen/heard:
-When you get a big burst of energy, you'll probably go into labor within the next day!
-When you feel really miserable you're about to have the baby.
-When you feel really great you're about to have the baby.
-You might throw up or have diarrhea and then go into labor the next day.
-If you do acupressure, you'll go into labor in the next 12 hours.
-If you're really stressed out, the baby won't want to come into that atmosphere so he'll stay in longer.
-The baby releases hormones when his lungs are developed and those hormones cause labor to start.
-More women go into labor when there is a big weather event or storm because of the air pressure change. (we have thunderstorms forecasted for tomorrow, the 31st.)

And my top favorite that I have now heard twelve trillion times: "Don't worry. He'll come as soon as he's ready. Just be patient."

Yes, I believe it's true, and I trust you, but I'm the one with the huge bowling ball belly that I'm ready to have disappear! :-) Plus, I'm really terrible at being patient...

p.s. I have tried at least half the things on the list...but to no avail.


  1. Ugh don't remind me!!! 1 week late with an induction!!! .....But positive thought flow your way!

  2. I've heard (and even tried) about half of those things... some of them just made me laugh. Oregano?? Wow. Yeah. Nothing worked for me, with Aspen. She was big (8 lbs 9 oz at birth), and I was SO ready to have her come! Bumpy roads, trampolines, etc... I had to be induced at 41 weeks with her because I was only dilated to a 2, with no labor in sight. It was really frustrating for me, especially because I was expecting her to come atleast 1 week early, since Baby James had come 3 weeks early. And she wasn't even my first one.

    So then, I was totally expecting Madi to come late, or at least close to my due date- and she was 5 weeks early. I switched doctors for Tysen, and the Doc was willing to induce me early for Tysen, considering my crazy pattern, so Ty came 5 days early. We didn't really want him being born in the car on the way to the hospital if we weren't able to get there in time... Sometimes I look back on it and wish I would have just let him come when he was ready, though. Having been induced twice now, I can honestly say that it is NOT fun. It puts a huge strain on you and the baby, because all of a sudden you are just in HARD labor, and your body isn't ready for it yet. Lots more tearing and such.

    I don't know why I just typed all that for you... I know nothing at this point helps make the time go by faster, or the aches less painful (from the gi-normica belly, that is). Just ignore all the wacky comments everyone keeps sending your way. Especially the one I always hate the most... "Haven't you had that baby YET?" Come on, people!!

  3. All I can say is good luck. It really is the WORST waiting game, and the BEST patience-teaching experience ever. Ugh!! I actually can't decide what's worse, waiting (and waiting) to go into labor, or being up with a colicky baby for the umpteenth night in a row. I'll let you decide once you've been up with yours!
