Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Insurance sucks

I need to vent.

NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER get short term insurance!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is what happened.

We thought it was a "great deal" to get this short term insurance to transition us from BYU to my school's insurance. When you think insurance is a "great deal" don't buy.

We paid about $320 for Jan-April to have insurance. Great deal, right? NO. We didn't have any need to use it until April when I was feeling so horribly sick and needing meds for a sinus infection. So I went to the Instacare.

I walked out with $65 of prescriptions and a good feeling. That was until the pharmacy got ahold of the insurance and said they didn't cover prescriptions. Great. Okay. Out 60 bucks, I can deal.

Then I figured insurance had covered the visit and everything was taken care of until I got a bill on MAY 22 (over a month after the visit) saying I owed $150. WHAT??

Insurance paid nothing. So I called them.

"This insurance does not kick in and pay until the $1000 deductible has been reached. Then it pays 80/20 up to $5000. But it doesn't cover anything lower than that. Oh, and it also does NOT cover doctors visits."

Somewhere, somehow, some communication had been lost because I had NO idea. Had I known I would not have gone to the doctor.

hopefully now my school's insurance will not cause any problems and will carry us until we have to change AGAIN in August. Ugh. Shoot me now. I hate insurance.


  1. The not paying for doctor's visits is pretty wacky, but the rest (high deductible, 80/20 payout, no prescriptions, etc.) is pretty typical for private health insurance. Group plans are SO much better.

  2. I'm so sorry! That's how our insurance is too...yuck. Mitch hates insurance. I am the insurance researcher in our house :o)

  3. I feel ya, Karissa. I am trying to get everything taken care of before I go to Taiwan. It is so dang expensive.
