Saturday, May 15, 2010


I have never had such horrible luck with servers as I have had in the past two weeks.

Maybe it's the combination of me, Scott, my sister Shayla and her hubby Brian.

I think we have signs that flash "DON'T GIVE US GOOD SERVICE"

Which is stupid, because as you know, both Scott and I have been servers and if we have a great server we will tip them. I guess people aren't so into money these days...

3 times in a row we've been out to eat in the past 2 weeks. All 3 times it has literally taken 10 minutes or more to get anything we needed. Chips, water, etc. This time we didn't even get a single water refill. And we were there for an hour. Weird.

Anyway, the BBQ chicken lasagna was AMMMAZING! It is definitely a keeper to mix things up. So easy too! All you do is add about 1/2 cup of your favorite BBQ sauce into your bubbling red sauce and instead of 1 lb of hamburger, throw in 1 lb of shredded chicken. YUM!


1 comment:

  1. yay for the new recipe! It sounds tasty! and yay for ten days left! too bad your servers don't want your money! haha, more for you to keep. :)
