Friday, January 14, 2011

Pre and post pregnancy

Things I miss about being pregnant:
-Feeling my baby kick inside my tummy
-Scott rubbing and talking to my tummy
-Having people comment and ask when my baby is due
-Getting compliments about a cute baby bump
-The 2nd Trimester ;-)
-My nails growing at an astronomically fast pace
-Feeling baby hiccups

Things I don't miss about being pregnant:
-Sweating buckets and being hot all the time
-Wearing the same outfits every day for the last month
-Having a belly get in the way of everything
-Feeling nauseous when I didn't eat
-Not being able to run, move well or work out hard core
-Peeing every hour
-Feeling huge and unattractive
-Feeling like the baby was never going to come

Things I LOVE about being a mom:
-Holding, cuddling and snuggling Blake all the time
-Kissing Blake all over
-Nursing Blake
-Dressing him up in cute outfits
-Staring into his eyes
-Watching his funny expressions
-Looking at his cute face all day
-Changing diapers (it's not so bad yet)
-Obsessing about how cute Blake is
-Pondering how the heck he came out of me
-Having him hold my finger
-Pondering the miracle of life and how we were able to make such a beautiful child
-Losing weight quick from nursing

Things that are different with being a mom:
-Time is measured by feeding, sleeping and diaper changes
-Postpartum hormones
-Frustrations and struggles with learning how to nurse
-Lack of sleep


  1. I agree with you- there are some things that I miss about being pregnant, too! Not the sore-ness or feeling icky & all that, but feeling the baby moving inside me and wondering what they will look like and be like.

  2. Lack of sleep was my biggest fall back! I had no idea that I relied on it so much! But yes everything else there is totally true!
