Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wednesday Confessions

I taught my baby how to not bite me. Then 2 months later, when his teeth were razor sharp, he suddenly forgot. When he started biting again, and drawing blood and tears, I knew it was time.

We also have a big trip coming up. And I've started a new nanny job. Both me and Mister Man knew it was coming, but we kept delaying because we were not ready for days of screaming and crying.

I headed down to our local Walmart with baby in tow, and scoured the bottle aisle. Then I found these bad boys. A little strange, a little intriguing, and a little curious. Perhaps not meant for the colicky baby or for moms concerned about air bubbles. Later that day I tried giving the new bottle to Bubs. He played around with it for awhile, and then finally got real hungry and latched on super quick and chugged it down. Yay!

But, my problems didn't end.

A few nights later, when my sister was in town (thank goodness!), Bubs bite me so dang stinkin' hard he drew blood and lots of tears. I immediately left him home (with her) and drove to the grocery store. Crying. I knew two things:

1. I would not, could not, nurse a baby who bit me til I bled.
2. I am not as gifted as some people and I could pump and bottle feed all day long and still come up 6-8 ounces short. 

20 minutes later, I was back home and feeding my starving, exhausted, baby a bottle of formula.

On the way home from the store I cried. Bawled, in fact, on the phone with my dear sweet mother (since my hubby was studying). I knew I was doing the right thing, but it was so hard! I only know a couple people who have formula-fed their babies. Pretty much everyone I know, and certainly everyone around me, breast feeds. Which makes it a million times harder to give my baby formula...even if it's only 6-8 oz a day. I felt like people would judge me, criticize me, and tell me everything that's bad about formula and why I shouldn't use it. But sometimes there's not much of an option.

In reality I've spent the last 7 months nursing. And struggling. It wasn't easy from the start and certainly never got much easier. I also remember saying in the beginning that as soon as my baby has teeth, he's straight to a bottle. I went 2 1/2 months longer than that "promise." In the end, I know that breast milk is the absolute best for babies, but I also know that ultimately making sure my baby has enough milk and nutrients is the most important thing.

So I'm now supplementing with formula. I'm still pumping and giving him as much mommy milk as I can. We're still working on getting used to only bottles during the day and trying to nurse in the morning and sometimes at night, and he's doing pretty good! Some people may wonder why I don't just keep nursing, or perhaps even think it's selfish and maybe dumb that I'm not. But for me it's a huge stress relief. There's no more constant battle and frustration at meal time. No more tears, from me or my baby! I have felt a huge burden of stress lifted as we've made this decision.

It's still not easy. I still have to remind myself that formula is NOT bad. There are millions of babies who are born who just cannot have breast milk because of one thing or another. I think about the babies who have been adopted and there's not another option except formula. They still thrive and grow. Like I said before, breast milk is obviously the best, but formula is not a bad thing. As wonderful and trendy as it is to breast feed these days, I kinda wish there would be more reminders that it's not for all moms, and that some people just can't do it 100% of the time. I wish that I wouldn't have to feel nervous about feeding my baby formula in front of people. I wish that I wouldn't feel that pressure of "must nurse baby" and "formula is evil." Maybe that's why hospitals send you home with formula, companies mail you coupons, and Parents magazine has numerous ads about formula: because I'm not alone. Because there are more moms out there who feel the way I do and feel embarrassed about it. Or maybe it's because the formula companies aren't making as much money since breast feeding is so popular. Who knows. This world and society is so hypocritical. And I must admit, I'm definitely not exempt from having the "formula is bad" mentality. It took alot to overcome that and realize it was actually okay.

In any case, I know that what I'm doing is the best thing for me, for my baby, and for our family. And it's working for us. So here's to me getting this "formula is evil" complex out of my brain, and being confident in what I'm doing as a mom!

and aren't you glad I told ya? ;-)


  1. I don't have kids, so I can't really have an opinion, but here's a true story for you:

    My husband's brother and sister (Matt and Jenny) married a brother and sister (Jed and Emmy). Jed and Jenny, and Matt and Emmy, each have 5 kids. Theoretically, they should have very very VERY similar genes. Jenny is all breast milk no formula. Emmy is all formula, never breast fed a single day in her life. All the kids are happy and healthy, and, don't tell, but I kind of like Emmy's (non breast fed) kids better.

    Moral of the story is: sure, breast feeding is great, but formula is good too. They still grow up healthy and happy.

  2. You shouldn't feel bad at all Karissa. I've been supplementing for a couple weeks now with formula because Landon is so skinny I have to get all the calories in him I can. Sadly, I need to try a new formula because the first one I tried makes him puke. And, when Landon was a few days old I supplemented with formula because he was jaundice and under the lights all the time, it was just to hard to pump all the time when I needed as much sleep as possible. Don't feel bad, you have to do what keeps you sane. Your a good mommy, keep up the amazing job!

  3. Keep up the great work of being an awesome mom. Do what you need to do and don't let the world get at you. In case you are wondering, I was a formula fed baby. Did I turn out ok? hehe ;) I think so! love ya!

  4. Allie was about 7 months old when I had to switch to formula fed. I got pregnant and dried right up. I had nothing for her no matter how much I wanted to still nurse her. You are lucky you still get to supplement breast milk with formula. She just went to straight formula and some solids too. I was sad about it, but you do what you have to do. She's still a happy, healthy, and bright kid. Breast is best, it's true, but don't feel bad if you can't do it anymore. And for future children, I hope you still try with them because they're all different. Allie never once bit me. Mikey did. And we'll see how this next one is in October.

  5. Rissa... I admire you for doing what you know to be best for you, Bubs and your family as a whole. I wish I could say that I was surrounded by people who were of the "formula is evil" mentality, but it's quite the opposite around these parts. I've actually gotten quite a bit of flack for still nursing my 1-year-old (who, of course, also eats ample amounts of solid foods). I even had someone recently say, "Wow, you're still nursing?"... as if I had committed an inexcusable offense. So, all I'm trying to get at here is that I think it is a totally personal and circumstantial decision. Kudos to you for making the best decision for you and your little man. *loves*

  6. A not stressed mommy and a well fed baby are the best. However you get there. You're a great Mom doing what's best for your family right now.

  7. I feel for ya girl! I went back to school and had to start emma on formula at 4 months. Isn't it crazy how much we worry about what other people think when it comes to this stuff?! My mother in law was a huge support because she never breast fed and all of her kids are strong and smart people so that helped A LOT. But it's just a new phase of life we have to adjust to, ya know? Your the mom, it's your decision, and if other people judge that's their problem!

  8. Boo to the evil breast-milk nazis who make perfectly amazing mothers feel guilty about using formula!!! Every mom should feel completely at ease making whatever choice is right for her and her baby. The Lord has blessed us with many great options.
    I for one have 100% weaned all my babies, except Dicie, by 6 months of age. It has absolutely been the right choice for me and I refuse to feel guilty. Instead I feel very blessed that I have the option to use formula, that we can afford it, and that I have a Costco nearby when I run out!
    Don't ever feel guilty about the decisions you make that are right for your family. You're a great mom!

  9. I started giving Emma a bottle of formula before she went to bed when she was about 4 weeks... then she weened at 6 months and only drank formula. DO NOT FEEL BAD. There is nothing wrong with a baby having formula, your little guy will not have any bad effects because of it... and now your loving hubby can share in the feeding of your little guy, I know Nathan has good memories of feeding Emma when she was a baby.

  10. Just posting your post is showing others who may be struggling that they aren't alone. So you have probably made someone feel better just by posting. I commend you in your efforts to be the best mother even if other may criticize. As a side note: my husband and his sister had to be raised on goat milk instead because they could afford formula and they would sick every time they nursed.

  11. I tried breast feeding with Braden, and it just didn't work for us. He wasn't good at latching on, and neither one of us had enough patience to fight it. After countless nights of sobbing (on Braden's part and mine), when he was around a month old, I started supplementing with formula. It was such a relief, and we were both much happier because he was finally getting enough food. When I finally decided to switch to only formula (at about 6 or 7 weeks), I struggled and cried all the time. But then I realized that it's nothing to be ashamed of. Breast milk is great for babies. It's naturally what they're supposed to have. But it doesn't do any good if it's making baby and/or mommy stressed and unhappy. The very best thing for a baby is to have a happy, healthy, loving mom. SOOOO long story short, don't feel bad! You're an amazing mom. Formula won't hurt or hinder your baby in any way. In fact, with the new way they make formula, studies are now showing that the difference between breast milk and formula is like, less than a 1/10 of a percent. So ignore the naysayers, and do what is best for you and your family!

  12. Of all the posts I have read on your blog, this is the ONE thing I couldn't agree MORE with you on! Seriously. I never was able to nurse Madi. My one little babe who probably needed it more than any of them, was never able to latch on. So she received pumped milk for as long as I could physically and mentally stand it, being in extreme pain all day & night, but Madi was supplemented from birth with formula. I do remember how hard it was mentally to stop nursing both my other ones, though. I felt just the same as you- guilty, judged, etc... It's hard when you are told everywhere you look that breastmilk is the best, and it makes you feel like you are doing something bad by giving your baby formula. You made it to the magical 6-month mark (and beyond!!) so congrats for that, that is a HUGE accomplishment. You are awesome, and Blake is an amazingly lucky little baby! Can't wait to meet him.

    See you in like 3 DAYS!! WOO-HOO!!

  13. I totally agree!! If breastfeeding/pumping milk means malnourishing your baby, why would that ever be the right solution, you know? :o) You are awesome. Formula has gotten SOO advanced and has improved so much. You aren't formula-feeding for selfish reasons like a few moms out there do, so I don't think you have anything to worry about! Mitch didn't cut his first tooth until he was 14 (wow!) months old, and I was pretty average, so our (almost) ten month-old STILL has no teeth! I am considering every day without teeth a huge blessing, and I would love to wean him when he starts gnawing me to death like poor Karissa! You go girl! :o) Also, kudos to you for pumping all day! I hate to pump. I have a double-electric and it still takes me 40 minutes or so, compared to the 10 or so minutes Nathan nurses for. It's so frustrating and time-consuming!

  14. Ah! I'm just waiting for Peyton to bite me ... I'm so scared! I'm afraid I'll chuck him across the room or something, it'll catch me so off guard. I don't blame you one bit. If nursing was already a struggle, throwing bites into the mix would make it impossible for me. I've been very blessed with a good eater. You shouldn't feel bad at all!

  15. You are an awesome mom! My milk never came in. I had to supplement with Formula from 3 days old up to 6 weeks, when I finally made the very tough decision to only do Formula. It is such a shame that so many people tell you breast is best and pressure you! Every person is different. It may be that the second one will be easier. But regardless, a baby that will take both breast and bottle is amazing! And it will be a lot easier to wean completely when the time comes. My baby is happy and there are no more tears and screaming during feedings! Also, mine bit me from day one-he's super duper strong and he was so hungry and couldn't understand why there was no milk no matter how hard he sucked! So, hang in there! You have to do what is best for you and your baby. Also, the most important part of breast feeding is the colostrum which was given to him the first week of life. After that it's just bonus. So don't feel like you are keeping anything from him by switching to formula. You are making your life and his sane again! I love and miss you guys!

  16. I know exactly how you feel! Had issues with Emily and was told to stop nursing her at 5 months. Lizzie and Ella wouldn't take a bottle so they were breast fed for about a year. Right from the beginning I've had nursing issues with Nathan. In fact he lost too much weight in the hospital right after he was born and we had to supplement right away because I wasn't producing enough. For a long time I felt like I had failed at giving what was best for my baby. It's hard at times and it costs more money, but I have more flexibility when it comes to feedings which translates to Paul now being able to get up in the night to take care of the baby:)
