Monday, August 15, 2011

3 years and counting!

Well my dear sweet husband beat me to the chase this time. I had NO idea he was going to write a post about me. It was quite a fun surprise when I opened up the blog and saw his post. And no, I did not pay him to write those things. :-)

I thought it would be fun to re cap our other two anniversary's we've had. Mostly for giggles. Mostly for the 2nd anniversary.

Year 1:

I awoke in the morning to a rose and a note on a pillow. Mister Man sent me on a scavenger hunt around Provo, UT where I collected more roses and notes. He took me to places that were significant to us. The first rose was white, then white with pink edges, then pink, then red. Symbolic of our love deepening (aww). He sent me to his old apartment complex, a bus stop by the temple, a Marriot hotel, and finally Kneaders to enjoy breakfast. So fun. That night we went to downtown SLC to enjoy some Sushi. I had my sweet sister decorate our room for a romantic evening later.

It was the sweetest, most romantic anniversary so far. 
(except I burnt the chocolate fondue. Ha!)
Year 2:

We spent a week at Grand Lake in OK with my dad's side of the family. We enjoyed boating, swimming, boating, wakeboarding while 4 months pregnant, and really really really hot weather. On our way back we stopped by the visit the Brett Family Singers and slept in their basement. Our anniversary evening was spent sleeping on an air mattress in a dance studio type room with my two sisters in the same room, and my brother on the couch. Not quite as romantic but we love looking back and giggling about it now. We went out to Cheesecake Factory in MO when we arrived home.

Year 3:

Mister Man surprised me with these lovely roses the night before, since our anniversary landed on a Sunday. It's been awhile since I've gotten flowers so it was a very pleasant surprise!! We went to church, came home and had lunch, read some Harry Potter 7, took a walk and ate dinner together. I made a yummy roast with leftover muffins and watermelon. My sister was in town visiting for the 2 weeks before, and my parents came out for the weekend, so I neglected planning anything spectacular. It was also tougher to plan and execute anything with a baby. Though I did completely surprise Mister Man by buying satin sheets. Definitely a good investment.

We didn't really go to a Card's game for our anniversary, but it was the most recent family picture I had. Just to show how things have changed in 3 years...we now have a baby! And he's 7 months old. Wow.

I have absolutely loved the past 3 years of my life! It was the best decision I've ever made to marry Mister Man. He is incredible and so wonderful. He is so patient with me, listens to my rants and raves, comforts me when I need it, lets me cry, hugs and kisses me, takes care of my needs, and swoops in to be Superman just at the moment I need it most. He makes me so unbelievably happy and I cannot imagine life without him! (nor do I want to) I can't believe how fast 3 years have flown by and I feel so blessed to know we'll have eternity together. I absolutely love him with all of my heart!!! And doesn't he just make the cutest daddy? I think so. I love you Scott!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for marrying Scott! And THANK YOU for moving to Missouri so I could hang out with you. :)
