Monday, April 18, 2011

The Salmon. Part 2

I know, I know, it's been 5 days since my original Salmon story, followed by a couch story, and now I'm back to the Salmon.

Alot has been going on around here. The babe and I took a trip down to southern Missouri to visit some family. He met his Aunt D, Great-grandpa and two of my cousins and aunt and uncle for the first time. We had a great time visiting and playing and he actually slept the entire 3 1/2 hours home. It was glorious.

Upon arrival home, the hubby immediately took control and picked up dinner, changed a diaper, and cuddled with the babe. He knew I was a little bit of a shower, hardly any sleep, lots of driving, and lots of screaming baby before the lots of driving. He's a good man. Remind me to never travel with a baby and without him again.

The following day, I developed a wonderfully terrible case of a spring-time cold or allergies. Despite that, I traveled 5.9 miles to watch and listen to Stephanie Nielson speak at a women's conference. It was truly inspiring. Not a dry eye in the audience. Read more here.

And I also failed at the "No Dairy" decision I had made and ordered a pizza when the power went out on Tuesday night at 6:30 pm. Then I consumed more because there was no noticeable rash on the babe. However, I am now reverting back to the cow-less product days with a longer commitment to see a more noticeable difference. I am not perfect.

And last but not least, my dear mom bought us some peanut butter from an Amish store. Have you ever thought to smash honey roasted peanuts into peanut butter? I hadn't. But these people had. And did. And it's amazingly delicious. Sweet and salty perfection.

So now on to The Salmon. Part 2. *cue theatrical music*

As per many requests on how to make The Salmon taste delicious, here is what I did.

First, here are the spices you need:

 If you couldn't guess, inside that silver vessel is a wonderful combination of whole black peppercorns. The citrus grill seasoning can be found at most grocery stores, except Wal-Mart. 
Wal-Mart isn't really a grocery store though, it's an all around-you-can-get-anything-except-citrus grill seasoning-there kinda store. Also, you need some garlic salt.

Sprinkle this lovely spice trio on the bottom side of your Salmon fillet.
Please don't be skimpy.
Skimpy is never good. 
Especially at the pool on people who perhaps have enjoyed a few too many chocolate chip cookies in their life. Myself included.

Generously shake the citrus grill all over the fish.
Grind some peppercorns over top.
And lightly dust some garlic salt. 
(the citrus grill has some salt in it already, so you can omit the garlic salt, or just use a little. It's up to you and your salty preference)
Rub everything into the meat.
A free-standing back flip in your kitchen, please.

Now repeat all of the spices on the top side of the Salmon.
Citrus grill. Peppercorns. Garlic salt.
On my back. My shoulders are a little sore...

Plop the meat gently into a pan.
Toss into a preheated oven set at 400 degrees.
Set the timer for about 20 minutes (less if your filet is thinner)
Go accomplish something in your life.

Forget to take a picture of the finished product.

Pair with these veggies:
who are also lacking a finished product picture. we were hungry.
For this lovely pan of color I cut some bell pepper, asparagus, carrots and onion. Because onion makes everything else taste better.
I rubbed a teaspoon of olive oil on everything, then sprinkled peppercorns, sea salt, garlic powder and a touch of Italian Seasoning.
I cooked it for the last 12 minutes of the Salmon time.
Translation: When the timer on the Salmon said 12:00, I tossed this pan in the oven as well, and took it out when the Salmon beeped. 
It was quite a delicious blend of crunchy, sweet, salty and spicy.

Oh, and I toasted a couple whole wheat pita halves to offset the spices in everything else.
Enjoy a delicious, healthy and flavorful meal! 

And that, my friends, is how I made the most delicious Salmon I've ever eaten.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I'm so glad you posted this! I'm excited to try it out. I commend you on your picture taking. But very funny that you forgot about picturing the end product. Anyway I'm a bit jealous you got to see Nienie. Maybe since I am moving to Utah I will see her soon.
