Monday, February 21, 2011

Again on Sleep

So after I wrote that post about nap time troubles I realized some things with the help of my mom and my husband, also myself.

1. I need to stop reading sleep books.
2. I need to relax, chill out, and just enjoy being with Blake!
3. I need to not worry so much about him sleeping and worry more about playing with him and giving him the developmental stimulation he needs! (I haven't really been playing with him much since I've been so concerned with him taking long naps.)
4. Blake sleeps amazing at night. With the exception of every once in awhile having an off night, he usually goes 6-7 hours after the last feeding before the next. Then he'll go 3-4 after the second feeding. And then another 2-3 or so until we're up for the day. If he's sleeping so well at night, should I be complaining about naps? No!!!
5. When Blake is awake during the day, he's happy! He's not crying or fussy unless he needs food or until he gets super tired. So if he's happy, why should I wrap him up and put him to bed?
6. A good friend and I were talking and concluded that it's really frustrating for both mom and baby when mom tries to put baby to sleep when he's not tired. He gets mad cuz he doesn't want to be wrapped up and sleeping and mom gets mad because he's not sleeping. When in all reality, he's not tired yet!
7. People who write the sleep books have different children than I do. They also write the books based on opinion. I should come to my own conclusions and findings based on my knowledge of my own baby.
8. I'm going to start recording when he's asleep during the day and night just to get an idea of how he works his schedule. He's really the one in charge for now.
9. It's better for him to be able to nap anywhere than just his crib. If he ONLY sleeps in his crib for naps, then I can't get anything done or go anywhere. So it's actually a good thing he'll sleep anywhere. Also, if he's sleeping fine there at night, is there really a problem? No. And he usually only likes sleeping in his crib when it's dark.

Anyway, those are my findings. I love playing with him. I haven't been playing with him enough and I feel terrible. He is such a happy sweet baby, I absolutely love him! Here's to looking forward to a much more relaxed week!!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you!!! You are so smart :o) I completely agree. My family (and Mitch's) never catered to naptimes; you just slept wherever you happened to be. Life didn't stop for naps. If that meant dealing with a cranky child that crashed later, that's fine. Doctor's appointments, meetings, and other things that aren't flexible are going to happen! Mitch, as a two year-old, once fell asleep on the gas tank of a snowmobile he was riding with his grandpa. :o) I love that Nathan can sleep anywhere. Lots of times I leave him in the living room to fall asleep and just keep doing chores right around him. I hope i'm helping him to learn to be a heavier sleeper and be able to adapt to sleeping in different places.

    And you're totally right: the authors write according to their opinions. I used to think they were all geniuses...nowadays, I think some of them, not so much!
