Thursday, January 5, 2012

Of greetings, birthdays, weather, and a game

I wish I had some really insightful, entertaining, thought provoking, intelligent, funny, and cool blog post prepared for today.

Instead I have a brain dump.
More of a brain blank actually.
My brain feels a little numb.

Awhile ago someone gave a talk in church about some subject and as part of it he went on a tangent about greetings. By greetings I mean, when you talk to or see someone and they say "Hi, how are you?" and you say "I'm good, how are you?" Well, he went on a little tangent about how empty this greeting is in the following examples:

-It's empty for the greeter because: often times they really don't care to know how you really are, or they just ask as a mere act of cordialty. (not a word.)

-It's empty for the greetee because: a. they don't typically know if the greeter wants to know how they really are, b. it may be just a cordial gesture from the greeter, or c. they don't want to bestow their true state of being upon someone who is merely saying "hi."

Thus, all around it really should not be such a common greeting. But, for some odd reason it seems to be.

A very disappointing element of this whole exchange is when the greetee fails to take the opportunity to express his true feelings and state of being, upon being asked, when deep down he really needs someone to listen.

But the most disappointing element is when the greetee really, really needs to talk and needs someone to listen, but just offers the "I'm good, thanks," response.

I'm guilty of both of these things.
Very guilty.

It's quite tragic actually.

I'm also a bit guilty of asking an empty "how are you?" upon occasion, although I hope that anyone whom I come in contact with will know that if they need to express their true state of being in response to my question, I am always willing and available to listen and offer support!!

Perhaps from this moment on I will strive to make a more heartfelt effort of asking people how they really are instead of using it as a mere greeting.

Back to that one Sunday. While I listened to this talk, I didn't think much of it. I thought it made sense but I couldn't figure out why he was so passionate about this. I think I understand a little better these days.

Anyway, in other news, my baby is turning 1 on Saturday! Not quite sure how that happened so fast. However, it is very exciting. It's mind blowing to think about all that has happened in one year's time.

Also, it's gorgeous outside. Unusually warm for January.
Although sometimes I wish it would snow.
I haven't seen any snow this season yet, and it's a little depressing.

I kicked my hubby's butt in Mexican Train last night. And today. And maybe again tonight. we'll see.
If you don't know what Mexican Train is, we need to become better friends.

The End.

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