Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Is life ever overwhelming?

Does life ever seem to get a bit overwhelming to you?

It does for me.
Especially at this current phase in my life.
I realized it last night as these words came out of my mouth: "I have two nanny jobs, a position in our YW presidency, and a new calling to be ward camp director", and Mr. Man is taking three Master's classes on top of his 33 credit hours, plus a 4 hour/week job. Which in simple terms = no husband 'til April.

And that's not even our life details.

Are we crazy or what?

Then something new hit me this morning: I like being so busy!
Is that totally weird?

There has been a scripture resonating in my brain during the past few days. It goes something like this:

2 Nephi 31:20 "Wherefore ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting on the words of Christ, and endure to the end, behold...ye shall have eternal life."

Except, late one night, when I shared this with Mr. Man as our "scripture reading" for the day, I changed it unknowingly: "if ye shall press forward, feasting on the words of Christ, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do." (which actually comes from 2 Nephi 32:3)

He groggily asked what that scripture meant to me, and my answer was instantaneous: You gotta keep on keepin' on, trusting and believing in Christ, having hope, loving God, and if you feast on the scriptures, you'll know what to do. You can find an answer to any life problem in the scriptures.

It didn't strike me until sunrise how deep and important the implications for my thought process was. A burden seemed to be lifted from my shoulders.

In the past week, I've attending several different training meetings and I keep hearing the same things over and over. Important much? Apparently. Be spiritually prepared. Know the Gospel. Grow close to God.

Anyone see an ongoing theme here?

I do.
I guess that's what's important.
I wish I could tell ya why I'm sharing these things, but honestly, I don't know.

I always wonder who really reads what I write, and how it affects them. I wonder if I write things that help. Or if I write things that tick people off. Or maybe I write things that are too embarrassing to be shared but because I lack a filter they come out anyway. Sometimes I consider changing how and what I write, but then I don't because I write what is me. This is me. This is my life. And this is how it comes out. You just get to experience it.

I hope you're not ticked off
I hope you're not embarrassed
I hope I've helped you in some way

By the way, what's with the thunderstorms and tornado sirens blaring at 3 am?
I always thought: January = snow.
Should I start reconstructing my whole understanding of the Seasons?

chocolate milk, here I come.

1 comment:

  1. Who knows if you piss people off but you've got the right idea. Who cares, its your blog, your thoughts that are genuine and if you aren't being genuine what is the point of blogging? I like your spiritual thought. It really is the key to sanity and happiness. Funny you should mention chocolate milk. I have been eyeing the trumu chocolate milk at Winco for the past month and brushing it off as an unnecessary expense, especially if I bought ice cream already... lol I might just have to get some next time at the store!
