Monday, December 12, 2011

Little Moments

There's a country song I love called "Little Moments"
When I was a teenager and dating, I especially loved it. 
It was one of those cuddle and snuggle with a boy songs. 
I knew every word. 
Still do. Kinda.

The best line of the song is "Yeah, I live for little moments like that." 

I know we all have Little Moments in our life. 
Here are some of my most recent:

-When my very active baby cuddles on my lap and falls asleep in my arms.
-When my husband listens quietly to an emotional outburst and then softly and tenderly reminds me of -exactly what I should be doing instead of what I am doing. 
-When I see a six year old girl, complete stranger, hang her face out the window of a car on a cold afternoon and then proceed to frantically wave with an ear to ear grin.
-When my husband surprises me with flowers, making dinner, and renting a movie because he knows I had a rough day and that I need a break.
-When my baby sits on my lap for more than 10 minutes playing a game with me.
-When my baby has giggle fits and keels over on my lap during the same game.
-When my husband comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist while I finish the dishes.
-When I see my baby happily playing in a box.
-When I hear a four year old boy say "Look, Mommy! Jesus gave us bread!"
-When my hubby says "Go get mom!" and my baby walks around the corner, across the room, and comes right to my lap with a big smile.
-When I laugh my guts out with my sister-in-law for no real good reason while everyone else looks at us like we're crazy.
-When my husband holds me and tells me everything is going to be alright.
-When I feel the sweet peace, comfort, and assurance that only comes from God, letting me know that I did something right or that I'm doing okay.

Yeah, I live for little moments like that.

Cousins. Bet ya couldn't tell.

Everyone needs a Bubs hug!

Apparently this little Dragon hates Mizzou so much he was scared of his little Tigger friend.

Nothin' like a bare baby bum.

Instead of helping, I took a picture.
I like to focus on the most important things.

"Hey mom, need a wipe?"


And because we all know, the only thing a kid needs to be happy is a box.
(this was not posed nor the smile encouraged. he was really this happy)


  1. So cute!
    What about laughing ridiculously hard with your sister-in-law (might as well be a sister), while everyone else thinks we've fallen off the deep end...
    Love that pic with Cam and Ry.
    Still lovin' those cookies you left behind. mmmmazing!

  2. so, so cute!! I love the pictures of little bubsy! (That's what I call him in my head...) He's getting so big and looking more and more like a little kid, not just a bitsy bean! He looks like he has so much personality! I want to have a playdate :o)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The box is so funny. Gotta love how such simple things can make little kids so happy. I need to learn to be more like that. And my favorite picture is the bare bum one. I don't know why babies bums are so cute! Especially when they squeeze their little cheeks!

    ps I was definitely on my husband's account and left you a note from him that I had to delete and repost from me!
