Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas week

Well, life happens sometimes. I can't really comprehend the fact that my last post was dated December 12 and it is now December 26. I can only think about everything that has happened in that space of time.

Some of the things include:
-a 24 hour stomach bug that hit hard and fast. First me, then my man. Bubs didn't seem too affected by it.
-Mister Man finished finals and started his break until January 10th (yay!)
-we made lots of Christmas treats, wrapped lots of presents, and packed for our trip
-I gave the Christmas lesson in YW the week before Christmas
-And lots of other random things I can't remember.

Then we left for our trek across the state to visit my family for Christmas. It rained.
For 2 1/2 straight hours of driving.
And when I say rained, I really mean poured.
Not. Fun.

Since we've been here, we've been busy doing all kinds of crazy things.
-cooking more treats
-shooting guns at my aunt and uncle's
-shopping, shopping, shopping (while I stayed home with the boys)
-two days of different people getting hit with the stomach bug (we were exempt)
-lots of Halo playing (for the boys)
-a visit to Santa at the mall
-a paintballing trip for the boys
-a pedicure trip for the girls

After visiting Santa.
Pictures of that to come.

Getting ready for paintball!

80's Flashback!
None of the boys came prepared with paintball-able clothes, so they pulled out some of dad's old stuff.

Bubs likes Oklahoma Joe's too!!

The whole Fam Damily at Okie Joe's on Christmas Eve.
So. Delicious. 
Better than Pappy's.
By a long shot.

Nothing says Christmas like a Halo game in the background.
I've never seen so many presents under a tree before. 
And they were all opened Christmas Eve.
Yes, we're non-traditional.

It's been a fun, crazy, busy, trip and we've enjoyed almost every second of it!

Now if we could just remind Bubs that he knows how to sleep for 12 hours straight without waking up to eat, we would be even happier. 

Merry Christmas!!!

1 comment:

  1. ugh, Nathan forgets how to sleep when we're out of town too! It's awful and we're so exhausted!
