Sunday, September 5, 2010

life is just, good. :-)

Today was a great day at church.

Scott and I had a good conversation on the way home too. We talked about how when we were younger it was really important to have friends that were our same age and who were like us. But now that we're more grown up, it doesn't matter so much. We can be (and are) friends with anyone. In fact, the two couples we've become closest friends with since we moved here are very different than us. Yet, we all get along so well and we really enjoy hanging out together. Also, our ward is very different than our ward in Utah. But, we love it! Here are some reasons why:

-Everyone is SO friendly, outgoing and nice
-The people are not wrapped up in and absorbed with themselves. They really care.
-There's a variety of stages of life in our ward, newly married (us), small young families, older more established families and elderly.
-People actually come to activities and participate!

I think the biggest reason we love our ward is because we feel like people really care. They care and are interested. We've already had several families invite us over for dinner, dessert, football games, etc. And the first Sunday we were there everyone wanted to know who we were. It's so wonderful! It really makes me feel loved and welcomed. I think that's really important for a ward.

Not to mention that we had an amazing lesson in Relief Society that got me very motivated to really study the scriptures! I'll write more about that once i get started and see how it's going.

So, we are very happy. Our life is very different here than it was in Utah. But we love it. It's really fun to grow and learn and figure out how to be an adult. It's also really refreshing to establish ourselves and branch out to meet others. Kinda make a name for ourselves here. In Utah I think it was really easy to rely on family and people we had already known. But here we totally have to step outside our comfort zone and be our own people. it's cool. (not easy at first!)

I'm just feeling really happy and loved. It is starting to feel like home here, and that makes me very happy. We have so much to look forward to and be excited about! Life is just really really good! (but still not easy all the time)

Plus, how much fun is it to feel a baby kick inside your tummy? It's probably the coolest thing I've ever experienced. It's fun to feel him move so much that I can tell when he's awake and asleep. It is really making everything so much more real. I can't believe I only have about 4 more months left!


  1. Congrats!! I'm so glad everything is going so well for you guys! I love feeling our little man kick...even though I wish I could tell him when to go to sleep, since he likes to party when I'M trying to sleep! It's still the COOLEST thing ever--I completely agree with you!! He's a real little man in there, all excited to meet you, and getting to know yours, and Scott's, voices!!

  2. I love this post! You need to put belly pictures up! I love love love feeling the baby kick too! It's all such a miracle.

  3. That is so awesome! I think that is what makes me nervous the most when Perry and I get established some where. Ever since I moved from Redding to Idaho I have been a shy person and that isn't really who I like to be. I'm so happy for you!
