Wednesday, December 19, 2012

But it's just violence...

How many times have you heard the phrase "but it's just violence..." in regards to a movie, tv show, or video game rating?
Perhaps more commonly, "well, it's only rated that for the violence. Violence doesn't bother me. It's the sexual content I avoid." 

I hear it all the time.
In fact, I've said it in one form or another.

Is that statement really true, though? "It's just violence. Violence doesn't bother or affect me."
I argue that it is completely false. Nobody is immune to the violence in movies, tv shows, and video games, especially video games. Our Spirits and brains are not immune to violence. Not one bit. The "immunity" that may occur for one is actually a numbing of the brain's response and reaction to repeated stimulus.

As a member of the LDS church, I believe in the Holy Ghost. I believe that I was given the gift of the Holy Ghost as a means of protection and guide when I am need. Anything that is not virtuous, lovely, of good report, or praiseworthy, can drive away the Spirit. Violence is part of that category. I believe the more violence we watch and participate in, the quicker the Spirit leaves until it eventually completely withdraws.

I, like so many others, cannot stop thinking about the horrific tragedy that occurred last week at Sandy Hook Elementary. Nobody will forget it. Our children will read about it in their History books. It was a terrible, horrible, absolutely heart wrenching tragedy. The more I've read on the matter and the more I think about it, I can't help but think "what could have been done to prevent this? How can we prevent it from happening again?"

I've come up with some of my own conclusions.

1. The Government could take away guns from everyone and/or make tighter gun control laws. This isn't possible, or a good idea, because it won't do a dang thing. Crazy people will still get their hands on guns, and the good guys will be left unarmed. And yet another gun control law will not stop someone who is intent on getting a weapon and using it for the wrong reasons.

2. The Government could give everyone guns. Obviously this wouldn't work because it would make it even easier for the crazy people to have access to guns and there would be a whole slew of problems that would come as a result. Not a solution.

3. The Government could eradicate any and all violence from the media. This is completely impossible because there is just so much. There would be no way to remove every violent thing from every house, movie theater, production, stage set, video game, youtube, etc. It's impossible. Not only that, it also completely takes away our agency. Which, by the way, is Satan's plan.

4. Teach in the homes. Educate your children. Educate your family. Teach your children good morals and the difference between right and wrong. Parent. Discipline. Monitor the things your children participate in and are involved with. This was the best solution I could come up with. However, the people who are not likely to go on a shooting rampage are already doing this. The people who might, may already be doing this. The people who should be doing this may be uneducated, in poverty, and unable to teach in the home. And of course, no matter how much a parent teaches their child, they are still free to make their own decisions and choices. Which means, that even from the best of homes with the best of families with obedient children, someone could still be persuaded by Satan to do something unthinkable. Which brings me to my final conclusion:

This type of tragedy cannot be 100% prevented. 

Of course, there are many things that can be done to improve on safety, including allowing teachers to conceal and carry, providing schools with an armed officer, practicing more lock down drills, and the list goes on.

The point I want to make, and the overwhelming feelings I have experienced on the matter are such:

-I have a huge responsibility to educate my children on what is right and wrong.
-I have a huge responsibility of making our home a safe haven from outside influences.
-I have a huge responsibility of making sure the media that enters our home is appropriate and does not drive away the Spirit.
-I need to make a resolve to better screen the media we consume. I need to be more careful about things we watch, rent, and buy. I need to scrutinize the video games we play.

Satan has taken hold of the media in our world with an iron fist. He has twisted and turned every good thing into something inappropriate. It has not happened in one, big, lightning bolt occurrence, but little by little. He has made it seem popular, cool, and fun, to watch shows and movies that glorify killing innocent and non innocent characters. He has made it appear popular, cool, and fun, to play video games that celebrate "110 kills! Congratulations!" 

I believe our society has been so dumbed down by violent tv shows, movies, games, and more, that the line of difference between virtually killing and killing in reality has become very thin and grey.

This is devastating. And scary.

In closing, my husband said something to me that I had never considered. He said that no sane person in their right mind would go into a school and kill 20, innocent, six and seven year old children. The person who did this was possessed by an evil spirit. Just like Christ cast the evil spirits out of the person and into the pigs that jumped off the cliff. This person was possessed and taken over by an evil spirit of Satan and he proceeded to do the work of the Devil. When that work was finished, Satan abandoned him and caused him to turn the gun on himself and take his own life.

God will never abandon you.

I hope that I can be a better wife, mother, and individual, and make a better effort at examining the media that I consume and bring into our home. It's not "just violence" and it's not okay. I can't change the world or the people in it, but I can do my best to make my home a haven safe from the outside influences.

That is all.


  1. Good thoughts Karissa. We live in a violent society and the results are sickening. Over the past couple of years we've really been trying to remove a lot of the violent media that comes into our home. One of the big influences that I've thought about since Friday is the Hunger Games. I am so thankful that I chose not to see that movie so I can set that example for my kids. It is chilling to me how many good LDS people LOVE the books and movie. Children killing children. Yikes! Have we really become that desensitized? I agree that teaching our children is so essential, and our greatest teaching tool is our own example. What movies do we watch? What books do we read? What games do we play?

  2. Your thoughts were well thought out and very true. Henry and I have been married for over 21 years now and we are adults that choose not to see "R" rated movies. Many have laughed and scoffed and made fun of this and yet we know that we do not have any of the things being stored in our minds that caused the movies to rated that way in the first place.

    Before we married, Henry shared with me that we should "choose" how we were going to treat each other and speak to each other. He suggested that if we even "said" something that was unkind to the other, that the unkind comment would be "stored away" in a file cabinet in the brain. At some unknown time and place, any and all unkind comments (or pictures or violent movies or such) would come pouring out of the file cabinet and cause lots of problems.

    I tend to believe that some of the issues marriages face today, children face today, teens face today, is because of all the TRASH that is being stored in their file cabinets day after day. You don't notice the trash if it comes in just one piece at a time but before you know it, the trash is overflowing your residence and you are in "deep"...

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I know that those children are in the arms of our Heavenly Father and they are truly blessed. They are watching us from above and we need to turn our hearts and souls back to what is right and true.

    Love you!
