Friday, September 21, 2012

Me: The Day Before My First 1/2 Marathon

Tomorrow is race day.

I feel sick.
Like nervous, anxious, excited, sick.

I really cannot believe it's already here.
The summer went by so slow yet so fast.

One day, back in July, I was having a particularly diffucult week.
I felt discouraged.
I felt inadequate.
I felt like I couldn't do it.

So, I sat down with my husband and he asked me some deep questions.
One of which was: "Why are you running?"
Then he had me write down my answers.

I still have the paper.
At the top of the page I scribbled: "for when I don't want to run"

Looks like I feel the need to prove something, eh?

After that exercise we made a schedule of training. Something challenging yet doable.
At the time, it seemed completely insurmountable. Impossible. Undoable. Overwhelming.

Well, guess what?
Tomorrow is September 22, 2012.
I have followed my training schedule and completed every single run I needed to.
Some were shorter. Some were longer.
But I ran every single time I scheduled myself to.

Tomorrow is the big day.
I will run 13.1 miles: my farthest distance yet.
I will set my first PR for a half marathon.
I will accomplish something I have dreamed about doing since the beginning of the year.
I will do something I never, ever, thought was possible.


  1. You are awesome!! I loved running too, I just have a bum knee from getting hit by a car in 2008 and had to quit running. I can't be a knee transplant by 40, ya know? So now, I get to live vicariously through cuties like your mom and you! YOU GO GIRL!!!

  2. I'm so proud of you! You got this! Way to work so hard for something that you've had a deep desire to achieve. May you always remember that those things you work the hardest for will usually become the best things you'll ever enjoy. And way to NOT be a QUITTER!

    I love you Karissa; you're an amazing young woman who I am so happy to call my daughter. Have a great run!


