Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Last night I had a dream about twins. Don't over-analyze, I'm not pregnant.

Sometimes I get really bored and have alot of thoughts to write down, and there's just not enough room on facebook. Plus, I don't really know that alot of people read our blog, so I guess I can blabber on as much as I wanna. Right now my current dilemma is: Blonde or Brown?

I keep looking at past pictures of myself and I get to the Blonde hair and think "Oh my gosh! I love blonde! I wanna be blonde again!" then I get to the dark brown pictures and think "no way! Dark brown is hot!" And then I think "well, maybe I should cut my hair? It looks cute short!" but wait! "It looks awesome long too!" Such a dilemma! I don't know what to do. Anyway. Those are my thoughts right now. Blonde or Brown. Should I be daring or safe? Long or short? Ahhhh!


  1. Okay...here's MY opinion! When I think of you, I am reminded of you in that Adorable yellow dance costume from "The Last Unicorn"! (I think it was yellow :0) I also think of my fav Sr. pic of you with the DAISIES! These things showed that You are Sunshiney! You shine in countenance and spirit, so hair color is irrelevant compared to that. But I vote BLONDE! (and leaving it long leaves way more styling options, of course!)

  2. Blonde! But I think I'm just saying that because I have never had brown hair!!!

  3. I think any dream about twins means good luck! :).
    I do the same thing with my hair ALL THE TIME! I'm constantly asking Dave to have an opinion, or get one...so that I know how I should do it! I've seen your hair both ways (thanks to pics) and the problem and the amazing thing is that you look good both ways! But it's always fun to get a change every once in awhile, right? My big gripe with color is that it costs so much to keep it up...but worth it to me.
