Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Highlights of Christmas Break

Yeah, we're cool. We know. Especially with penguins...

Crazy, creepy nativity scene with weird angel. Yeah, they all moved.

The mechanical toys in the garage. They made strange, creepy "scary movie" noises

A small glimpse of the penguin house

Our cute dog Cosmo in his cute shirt from Shayla. He's not really our dog....karissa's parents.

Us with Cosmo in front of the penguin house

Here are our Christmas Break Highlights:

-Finishing finals, selling our apt and moving into a duplex all in a week
-Receiving a breadmaker from Karissa's parents!
-Receiving a food storage starter kit from Scott's parents!
-Flying to Kansas to spend over a week with Karissa's family
-Sleeping in a little Christmas morning (7:30am)
-Playing Guitar Hero World Tour on Wii non-stop (family gift)
-Making Christmas goodies to give to other people...then forgetting to take them, so eating them ourselves instead
-Enjoying 65 degree weather for a day!
-Waking up to an almost tornado that night...(70-80 mph straightline wind)
-Cheesecake Factory!
-Choosing wedding pictures, finally
-Staying up late and sleeping in late
-Watching Twilight
-Watching The Dark Knight
-Playing Skip-Bo with the fam during breakfast, lunch and dinner too
-Not having to work!
-Finding amazing shoes at DSW after Christmas
-Enjoying two, over 50 degree days
-I guess you could actually say we've almost experienced all four seasons in a week: cold, snow, ice, wind, sun, 65 degrees and humid, 50 degrees and sunny, a big thunderstorm, rain and a snowstorm. Yep, that happens in Kansas
-Seeing the Penguin House (a house overloaded with the air-pumped penguin things that are lit up...yeah, they call the path around their house "Happy Feet")
-Seeing the "Falmouth House". Essentially crazy people who put up hundreds of moving machine toy things and too many decorations. A bit creepy actually...

-The best highlight has been the blessing of spending time with family we haven't seen in about 4 months. It's been a great vacation and we've had a lot of fun. Tomorrow we leave Kansas and head back to Utah for a short family reunion with Scott's family. Then we get to settle in our new place and try to get ready for school.

We are so grateful for our overwhelming amount of blessings and the love we feel from family and friends each day. Thank you everyone who has been there to love us and support us! We love you all! Happy holidays :-)


  1. HEY! I've been "blog-stalking", and I found YOU though Dani's blog!!! Hooray for me! Hope you don't mind....
    Good luck on settling in to the new place and into this upcoming semester! (Joe is in his last year, and I can't believe it. He's been in college for over 10 years....it's totally become a way of life around here!) Love ya!

  2. Well hello! I'm so glad I found this! You guys both look great! I was telling Dani earlier that i'm totally getting a blog when I get married! What a perfect time to start one! So, you may not see me join the blogging circuit for a few years, but that's ok :o) Hope you two are having fun and doing well in school! Miss you! Love you! :o)
