Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Paint, Mud, and Baby, Oh my!

Not only do I have a miniature clone of my husband, he is a complete and utter copycat. Our kid seriously loves his dad and wants to do everything exactly like him. Which is really cute when they're lounging outside on a beautiful afternoon...

Not so cute when it's throwing balls up to the ceiling in my kitchen...

Since Missouri can't seem to decide if it's Winter or Spring yet, and was cold and rainy the other day, Bubs asked to "paink". I happily agreed and intelligently covered him in an apron. It started off as a nice, casual, calm, activity...

Then he suddenly remembered that one time we went to a ceramic store with Grammy and she painted his hand and foot to get hand and footprints. Of course he had to try it himself. All the way up his arm.

And since painting your own hand and arm is most definitely not satisfactory, you must, of course, paint mom's hand too. See that evil little grin poking through?

Then, because painting mom's hand is still not enough, you must squeeze out half the bottle of paint onto the plate, let mom start painting your hand, then realize it's much faster and more efficient to dunk your hand in the paint. Smear, smear, smear. Rub up the arms. Smear on the table. Smear on the chair. Smear on the plate. Smear on the paper. I had to stop taking pictures because things were getting far too messy.

However, he had a blast. And he was happy and calm for 20 minutes. Score!
Thank you to whoever invented washable paint. Pure genius.

Later this same morning, on our way inside from the car, in true boy fashion, Bubs decided to jump off the concrete step and land in a puddle of mud. Of course mud is slippery, but he didn't know that, so he immediately fell back on his butt, slid on to his back, and finally bumped his head on the step (softly). I laughed. He freaked out. Why? Because he got dirty. Oh dear. At least he's tough. I've accepted the fact that boys and mud come as a package deal.

Last but not least, we finally had our 36 week ultrasound this week. I wish could have been longer because I love seeing the baby move, but having a short ultrasound usually means having a healthy baby, so I can't complain about that. Here are the comparison pictures of our boys. Who is who!? I'm pretty sure they could be twins based on the pictures.

Kyson is on the left, Blake is on the right. They both have their hands across their face, pudgy noses, and luscious lips. I can't wait to meet our baby!

1 comment:

  1. so cute! i love seeing the 4D ultrasounds when you're so close to the end. you can totally see what they look like! i can't believe you're already at 36 weeks. that baby's going to be here before you know it!
